Sunday, August 22, 2010

Around the world and back again

So the whole month of August has been crazy thus the lack of posting. So I'll see if I can do a quick recap.

The last weekend of July we flew home for my 10 year reunion. It was really great to see everyone and catch up. I think that I brought the entertainment for the night... well between my classmate Vicki's husband and Tom they were the entertainment. They had everyone busting up laughing all night, and without much liquor! Vicki and I agreed that our husbands sense of humor helped them win our hearts. Tom is definitely the lighter hearted half of this relationship and I love that about him! I would post a few pictures but at the moment I can't figure out where Tom put them on our computer, so I'll have to wait till he gets home from broomball.
We flew home on Sunday night and I left Monday morning for Elmira NY to visit a supplier. I was suppose to be home on Tuesday night but do to some delays I had to spend Tuesday night in Detroit so I didn't home until Wednesday.
The next day we left for a houseboat trip to Dallow Lake in Tennessee with some friends of ours. The weather was perfect and we spent three wonderful days tubing, waterskiing, and relaxing.
Sunday we left directly from Dale Hollow and headed up to Chicago to meet my mom, sister, and Carter. Opps I forgot to mention that Carter got left in Michigan after my class reunion to spend a week in the U.P. And yes we left our baby for a week and we missed him like crazy! As we got in late on Sunday night Carter didn't see us till we put him in the car early Monday morning. When we woke up he stared at me for about 20 seconds straight with this weird expression on his face. Then he buried his head in my chest and then looked up again just to make sure that I was still there. It was adorable. So needless to say I think he missed us!
I took Monday off of work to spend sometime with the little man because the following Saturday I left for a business trip to China for a week. So we did get to spend 5 days with him before the family parted again. I am also happy to report in those 5 days is when he really started walking. See previous post for a video. So glad I didn't miss that. He officially took his first steps while visiting my family but was not walking 20 feet or till he gets tired like now!
When I left for China, Tom and Carter headed to Tom's hometown so his family could have Carter for a week. So Tom drove up to Michigan on Saturday and home on Sunday. Then the following Friday, which would be this last Friday he met his mom 1/2 way in Fort Wayne to pick him up so that when I got home late Friday night the whole family would be here.
Needless to say I have the spent the weekend recuperating from all of our travels. Short of a 1 night trip to our plant in Juarez in September I am staying put! I hate leaving my family for any period of time but a week is to long.
I was hoping to have some pictures to post of China but since I was only there a week and not over any weekends. I only have pictures of cities, and there isn't much to see their. I'll keep my comments short on China, the food is good, but they cut up and cook everything with the bones in it! So when you eat fish you have to see the head and pick the meat of the bone, same with Chicken and every other thing I tried. Hotel accommodations were really nice, and the people are very hospitable. I'll be sure to get some pictures on my next trip, which should be around the end of the year.
One last thing. In the 5 days that we were home with Carter in August we managed to get his 1 year photos taken.
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click on the proofing tab and under Tom and Dani Kareus use the password:
I'm exhausted so I'm going to end my post there for tonight.