Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Carter's 2nd Birthday

It is absolutely amazing how fast time flies by.  It seems like just yesterday Tom and I were bringing this little man of ours home from the hospital. :-(  But as sad as it can be to see him get big it is so much fun to watch him learn and play!

July was a very busy month for us... more posts to come on that later. But we did manage to squeeze in a party for Carter-Man, as they call him at daycare.  As you can see from the pictures below it was HOT for the party.  The boys.. and I mean all of the boys including the big ones played outside in the heat  and came in for dinner really sweaty.  We had to hand out towels and clean shirts to some of them, but I think they had fun. 

Carter was much more into opening his gifts this year, but still needed some help from his friends with more experience. :-)

And yes you are only seeing boys in these pictures. We do have friends with little girls around here... although they are far and few in between but they couldn't make it to the festivities. I am convinced July is the busiest month for all of our friends and family. And what you don't see in the pictures is the three boys under the age of 5 weeks who were in attendance!

 The train set was definitely the hit of the party. (And I am happy to say I picked this gift out :-) The boys loved it and played with it until bedtime which wasn't till almost 11!

They also threw a party for Carter at his daycare.  I made cupcakes with gummi worms on top.  I love watching kids this age interact. It is adorable! Don't mind some of the grumpy faces, this is right after nap time.  And lets face it who wants to be woke up from a nap even if you get chocolate!

Carter's friend Drew loved his the most. He even got to eat his friends because she just passed it right on down to him.  Too cute. 

This is the only picture you are going to see of Carter at his party because he thought we were leaving when I got there...opps.... and well when we didn't leave he started to throw a fit.  He wouldn't get off of my lap and cried the majority of the time I was there.  In hind site I probably should have dropped off the cupcakes and left but, how could I pass up the opportunity to spend some time with my little man and his friends!

 Carter's whole class... minus Carter.