Monday, September 13, 2010

The last two weeks

Sorry it has been so long since the last post. Life is very busy! Here are some pics of our little man from last weekend. This past weekend we spent cooking and working on the deck. I decided to try and make all of meals for the week in advance, which I accomplished and even managed to make 5 meals extra to store in the freeze! And the weather was finally cool enough for us, or Tom I should say to work on the deck. Carter loves to be outside so he was also able to get plenty of fresh air this weekend.

We are definitely getting to see our little guys personality lately and some of the things he likes to do. He loves to cover his face with anything and walk around. Yes he just starting walking and he is already challenging himself. I know he can't see anything when he does this because he runs into everything, but it is one of his favorite things to do.

Another favorite active is climbing. He climbed into his highchair himself. We have a little monkey on our hands but I'm told that he comes by that naturally because I was the same way as a child... guess he got some of Tom and my traits. And you can see by the picture below after he completes his task he is as happy as a clam.

Carter is also definitely in the cute but I want my way stage or else stage, so I think that shirt that he has on in these next pictures is appropriate, because you get to see showing both sides of his personality :-).

What he hates at the moment and you'd think it was the end world by the volume of his voice: Being constrained ever! (this is nice in church), getting his diaper changed, and basically any time he doesn't get his way. Oh and he also knows what the word no means because he stops before he does what ever he knows he isn't allowed to do, looks right at us smiles and does it anyways. Nice... so we already have a problem on our hands.
On other news Tom and I along with my sister and her boyfriend, and possible some other relatives have signed up for a mini marathon in Wisconsin over Halloween weekend. So when we have time...which is pretty much never we do train. Over labor day weekend we participated in a 5K in honor of a son some of our friends lost a few years back. It was a perfect day and for a great cause. Here is a picture from after the race. Tom still beat me even pushing a stroller!

Also over the long weekend we had a birthday for Joshua who is 6 weeks younger than Carter and the son of a friend of ours. He had a great time playing and was tuckered out on the way home! This is also were dad realized he would love a swing set next year!

Carter also got to visit the Cincinnati Zoo over the weekend and loved the animals... well at least the ones that moved. :-) He pointed to everyone he could see, his favorites included the monkeys, manatees, and goats which he got to pet. A boy after his fathers heart. I can hear it now, in year they will both be pestering me to get a goat. Not sure our subdivision would approve of that!

There monkey were really active, wonder if they were hyped up on caffeine!