Friday Carter got his helmet and the only time he has cried about having it on is when they were drawing on it to make the final adjustments. Tom and I are sooooo relieved that he doesn't care about it being on. He however does sweat alot under the helmet so we have to give him a bath and clean it every night. The doctors have told us that he will sweat less as his body adjusts to the helmet... didn't know you could teach your body to sweat less but apparently so.
Tonight is the first night he has to try and wear it all night. We'll see how it goes. Carter has a pretty terrible cold at the moment and his nose is running like a faucet. So if he wakes up screaming I'll probably have to check his temp and if he has a temp he can' wear the helmet.
Tuesday will be the first day he is in it for 23 out of 24 hrs and we'll let everyone know how it goes. Since he is sweating and his hair is a bit longer we decided to trim up his hair significantly. I didn't do a good job cutting it but it could have been worse and since it will be covered by a helmet for the next few months it doesn't matter.
In other news we spent a very relaxing weekend with some good friends at Lake Nolin in Kentucky. Carter got to hang out and play with his buddy Lincoln. They went swimming together and got in trouble together! :-) Not big trouble but they are both in the stage where they know what "No" means and often choose to ignore it.
The last piece of news is that Tom left for a business trip tonight. He won't be back until Friday. Since we have been married this is the longest that he has ever left me at home. I am normally the one traveling for work. We miss him already!
I'm styling in my new helmet!
Supporting the Cardinals and now I can even wear grown up hats!
My buddy Lincoln practicing good control of the football!
Playing around with Daddy!
My new big boy haircut!