Thursday, November 11, 2010

Life Lately

Boy have we... or I been late on getting some posts up. Sorry... lots of stuff to do and this often times takes a back seat.  At least Tom was able to get our Mini Marathon times up.  I was actually quite impressed with my time... I better it 2 minutes from my last mini and considering my lack of training I was thrilled.  We did all survive though, but really sore. :-)
I'm not going to try and play catch up from all of the stuff that I missed over the past month. But I'll hit the highlights.  Carter was able to go trick or treating while we were in Wisconsin. He is still to young to understand what is going on but at least we had fun running around and he looks precious in his costume.  I'm glad that hat fit over the helmet. :-)
Speaking of helmet... I may jump around a bit this post.  We went back to the doctors two weeks ago and he is head has moved 4 mm's in the right direction! Hooray it is working.  They were actually shocked that it moved so much in just 6 weeks.  Hopefully he won't have to where the helmet for 3 more months.  We go back to the doctor after Thanksgiving for another measurement.
Last weekend... was busy. I had to go to Sweden for work last week.  I flew out on Monday after we got home from Wisconsin and I got back in on Friday night.  Came home for 13 minutes and took off to our annual Halloween Party at the Huff's. I was kinda of a party pooper because I was really jet lagged, but it was nice to see everyone. Saturday we attended Katie and Ryan's wedding.  It was beautiful and she looked amazing.  They had the reception in a barn that had was really cute... a bit cold until we started dancing.  Ryan's family makes wine which the brought to the wedding and it was excellent... strong but excellent. 
Sunday was my recovery day ... and then Tuesday Carter came down with a horrible fever.  It was 103.9 when we took him to the ER late Tuesday night.  He had the chills and was shaking.. He is getting better but slowly.  So Tom and I are trading days to stay home with him.  Today is my day.  Right now he is sleeping but doesn't seem to have much of a fever. Hopefully were over that! :-) Oh and it was double ear infection, guess I didn't but that above.  Again! We are going back to our pediatrician next week and I will be discussing tubes!
I'll try and keep my posts a bit more frequent an have a good week!