Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Did we have a monkey or a baby?

So the title of this one says it all.  We have a little monkey on our hands.  He is climbing on everything. Which I'm not concerned about since it is part of life. And I'm being told that he comes by it naturally as his mom was quite a climber. :-)   The problem with the climbing is at daycare.  I guess he is climbing on things he shouldn't be and is encouraging other kids to do the same. But since Carter has a helmet on when he falls on his head he doesn't feel much.... unfortunately the other kids in his class do not have the same luxury!  Boy is he in for a rude awakening when that helmet comes off!
Other than that we have just been enjoying the fall.  Broomball is in full swing and work has been really busy so time if flying by. Here are some pictures of our little man from November.