Carter's latest Auntie attitude is around punishment.... This weekend he was throwing his food on the floor and after repeatedly saying NO. I resorted to slapping his hand. Figuring this would have more of an impact. At first he looked shocked... but that didn't last long. I turned around a minute later to find him throwing food again. This time he looked at me, slapped his own hand and then did it again. So now he seems to think that throwing food is o.k. if he punishes himself.
Tonight after throwing toys that are not meant to be thrown I spanked him and again he threw another toy and then proceeded to spanked himself. I tried not to laugh but come on, that is funny. This form of punishment is obviously not working... and I think that I punished hard enough as his hand was red when I was done... but maybe not. And I'm sure the spanking didn't work because it was through a wet padded diaper.
So for the next form of punishment we are going to try taking away things and sitting in time out. But given that he can't sit still for more than one minute.. literally if we are lucky, that might be a long trying task for us.
In other news Tom is almost done with the swing set. He has done an awesome job and Carter continues to love playing outside. Even when it is freezing and we would rather be inside!
Have a great week. I'm sure there is more to come.