So this is going to be a random post to catch up on some things. We'll start with our garden. So... last year I only got about 3 cucumbers so this year I put in 5 plants, which FYI.... is WAY to much if you are not going to make pickles. These are just the cucumbers that we picked over a 5 day stretch! Needless to say we have giving them away right and left. So if anyone local would like some cucumbers just let me know and I'll send them your way!
Carter likes bubbles... not much else to say about that. So here are some random's picks of him blowing bubbles, which I guess is pretty good for his age. One of his teachers made the comment he is the only one in his room who can figure how to get bubbles to come out of the wand. :-)
Carter loves to watch Dora. He puts his hand over his mouth and whispers Dora. Not sure why he does it but is sure is cute. Pictures like the one below remind me he is getting old.
Before we had Carter Tom bought this marble maze at a resale shop for 2 dollars. Now that we trust Carter is old enough to not eat the marble we decided to let him play with it. He LOVES it. It must be the little engineer in him. This was some of the best 2 dollars we have spent!
Last week Grandma Kareus came to visit. It was awesome. She painted Carter's big boy room, watched the little man so we could go golfing and have dinner one night. We... especially I was very sad to see her go. This is about the only picture I got of them together because we weren't home much. However she got some cute photos of Carter during the week that I will post later. My only question is when are you coming back Grandma!
Over this past week Carter and I went to Kentucky State Fair with our friends Jaci and the Huff Family. Despite the heat it was a really good time. This was the first fair I have ever been to where I had to pay 18 dollars to park and get in... ouch... but most of it was inside air conditioned buildings. Which was super nice. I only got a few pictures but I think the highlight of the fair for Carter like normal was the animals!
The last random topic of the night is Carter can count! He can count from 1-9 but he skips 8. 9 is definitely his favorite number and then probably 6. I love that he learns so much in daycare!!!