So last week Carter and I traveled to the UP so I could be part of Cummins recruiting efforts at our Alma mater MTU. While I was working Carter spent the week playing with Grandma, Grandpa, Auntie Heidi, and Jim. While he was in the UP he learned that apples grow on trees. Stuff like this strikes me as funny because it is such a simple thing that I learned so long ago I forget that there was a time I didn't know apples grew on trees.
Anyways My parents have an apple tree in their yard, which has been there for years but just started producing apples a few years ago and they are excellent apples right off the tree. Carter really really liked them, which was quite obvious when he ate the entire apple including the seeds and core.
Carter also got to spend some quality time with Chester. He LOVES Chester, because Chester lets him get close and in some cases abuse him. I'm sure that Chester was ready for a break when Carter and I headed home on Friday.