Friday night we headed out to Octoberfest in Seymour with the Lewis's. As always the sauerkraut soup was excellent as was all of the other food that we had. In addition to the food we spent sometime on the carnival rides. Now that Carter is getting older it is hard to escape this type of entertainment. You can see it from a mile away so that is no hiding it from him. He loved the the carousel and motorcycles. Mason also had his first Carousel experience and he loved it. The crying face afterwards was a results of having to get off of the Carousel. I think Nick and Mason rode it three times!
Carter's biggest meltdown was when we had to leave the fishing game. He cried to all the way to the car.
Saturday Morning we were off again. This time to Appleworks to get pumpkins and apple goodies. Things are always more fun with friends so the Lewis's and 1/2 of the Putnam's joined us. The other 1/2 of the Putnam's were bowing hunting as it was it was opening day! It was a bit cool in the morning as we got there early before the boys turned into pumpkins themselves, but I will take it over the 100+ degree heat, we had this summer.
I love Mason's face in this one! He liked the tractor.. or maybe just the wheel
Katie and Carter looking at the pond on our ride to the pumpkin patch
Headed into the pumpkin patch!
Carter did o.k. in the patch considering he typically hates this type of stuff. But since it wasn't to thick he survived.
Sunday we continued to have beautiful weather so we spent more time outside. Here are just a few snapshot of Carter loving his swing set.
Baby Kareus 2 continues to grow as do I. I know we owe everyone a side shot of my belly... maybe in our next post. But I can tell you that I am about the same size now at 23 weeks that I was at about 30 with Carter!
Our next post won't likely be for two weeks as we are headed down to Baton Rough for a vacation starting on Wednesday! It's going to be a Kareus family road trip!