Thank goodness for nice weather. We have taken full advantage of it and are getting outside. A whole day in the house trying to keep Carter busy is well.... stressful!
Carter is all boy. He loves to play in the sand and hit things and play with worms!!!!
London is getting so big and gets really cross eyed when she tries to focus on things close to her. Check it out! We get a good laugh when this happens!
She has also started smiling like crazy. It is adorable!
Our "bloom season has come and gone here. I love this time of year and was so happy to be off work so I could enjoy it!
Carter continues to love his baby sister. I'm pretty sure he will like her less when he has to share his toys, which I might add he is horrible at. Hopefully when he goes back to daycare he will improve on this.
As you can see from the picture London does lots of tummy time as were trying to avoid a helmet. Poor Carter being the 1st baby had to deal with inexperienced parents who didn't do enough tummy time, but at least he turned out well.
Carter has become out little photographer. He is actually getting better at not cutting off peoples heads and getting the pictures in focus. He took the photo below.
Warm and cold. We have had some cyclic weather here so one minute have kids in only diaper and the next we are breaking out the sweatershirts. Feels like we are back in the U.P.
This is by far my favorite 3 month outfit for London. (Thank-you Slade's) I liked it so much I got another one in a bigger size. It is still a little big on her especially in the waste but she is growing into it. At her two month check-up she weighed in at 11 lbs.
I'll hopefully get some more posts up later this week before I go back to work. :-(