Monday, January 10, 2011

Christmas 2011 - Round 1

So I know that I am more than a little behind on posting but well.... no excuses this is just how my ability to blog goes.  So this post is going to cover our first few days of Christmas in Michigan.  I actually got the pictures in sequential order this time.  So I'll let the pictures tell the story. 
We typically play alot of card and board games when we are in Gladwin which always ends up being a good time.  So now that Carter is getting a little bit older he wants to play to.  The name of this Game is who looks most like Hitler! HaHa, just kidding we were actually playing Wits and Wagers great game for those who have never played and Tom just starting drawing on Carter's face with his marker and, well as you can see from the pictures he thought it was funny and he must have liked the way the marker felt on his face because when Tom stopped he started fussing.  We all had a good laugh with that one. 

On Christmas Eve Carter started feeling a little bit under the weather again... he had just gotten off antibiotics 4 days prior for an ear infection, but he still smiled for a picture with Grandma.  Christmas Eve Mass was eventful in that I don't think anyone within a 3 pew radius was actually paying attention the service.  Carter was dancing and hamming it up for everyone! At least he brought smiles to their faces and not frowns!
Poor Nixon was mentally abused on this break.  Tom thought it would be funny to put Carter's helmet on him.  I think you can tell from the picture he didn't think it was so funny. Maybe all that abuse over break is why we are currently having a jealously issues with Nixon.. that's for another post.
And yet again Nixon getting picked on.  Christmas Eve Tom thought that Nixon needed to test out the car that Tom's parent bought for Carter... like a I said poor Nixon.

Family photo 2010. 

So Christmas Day Carter decided to get up at 2:30 in the morning.... I didn't think that I would to deal witht this for another couple of years.  So he got up because he didn't feel good.  He crawled out of bed since we he was in our room and walked into the living room.  Now I might have been able to get him to go right back to sleep if he had not seen this new Car.  This pictures was take right after he found it int he middle of the night.  I finally got him to go back to sleep around 4:30 in the morning.... it was a long night.  But I have to say seeing the look on his face despite him not feeling well was worth the lack of sleep.

Pictures of him the next morning after a few more hours of sleep.  Looks like he is already yelling at the other drivers!

We got a few pictures of the 4 generations of Kareus's. Mary also has one of the 4 generations of Francis but I didn't get a good shot of that.
The day after Christmas we headed over the Ruhle family farm to celebrate.  Tom and I couldn't stay long as we were headed to the U.P. but I got this cute picture of the girls before we left.
And Uncle Matt and Carter goofing around.  Christmas round 1 was lots of fun and although it was a new experience for me (my first Christmas not at my parents) it was a good one.  Thanks to Tom's family for being so being such wonderful in-laws! 
And one more, the entire Kareus Clan with Grandma Ruhle!

Check back in a few days for Christmas Round 2, U.P. Style.