Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November in review ...

The last month in review.  Nice weather, we got to spend some time outside on the weekends at least.  Not much opportunity to do that during the week since we leave in the dark and get home in the dark. Carter also has warmed up to one of his birthday presents, a 4 wheeler! 

Halloween was fun this year.  It didn't take long for our little pirate to figure out that by ringing the door bell, or opening the door and saying hello which happened at the first house :-) he got candy.

At this age he most definitely doesn't under the concept of patience.  So if we didnt' get the candy unwrapped for him... well lets just say he thought the candy tasted just as good in the wrapper!

As I prepare for maternity leave I already know that I am going to need to get out of the house on a regular basis with Carter so he can run off some energy.  We checked out the open gym at Girls Inc. in Seymour and it is safe to say we will be going back!  Carter loved it!

Side shot... although compared to now my belly looks pretty small in this picture.  Were 31 weeks today. Somehow I get the feeling I won't make it all the way to 40 weeks. Not sure why but I'm thinking between 38 and 39 weeks. :-) Maybe that is just wishful thinking since Carter was over a week late and I had to be induced!

Broomball season is in full swing.  Obviously this year I am a spectator but I'll be back next year!  We took Carter to a game and he loved being on the ice. However he didn't understand that when the game started he couldn't be on the ice anymore.... so then he cried for the next 40 minutes.  We won't make that mistake again! 

Since we are pregnant and the baby is due sooner rather than later. We decided to stay home for all of the holidays.  It will be a bit different but I have to say I am little bit excited.  We have never been home for Christmas before!  My family game down for Thanksgiving. I didn't get alot of photos but we had some professionally taken while my parents, sister and boyfriend were in town so I'll post a link to those as soon as I get them.
Here is a picture of our Thanksgiving Feast!

And since we won't get to see my family at Christmas we had a mini Christmas early. Carter unwrapping his toys from auntie!

And the toy that won out for favorite.  A elephant that shoots butterflies (paper) out his truck and you have to catch them.  I have to admit this is a cute game and its nice to have some new toys in the house!
We had beautiful weather this weekend so it was great to get outside. On Saturday it hit 70 degrees! Which was awesome.
That about sums up the month of November.  I'll try and not wait so long to my next post up!