No pictures in this post but for those family members and friends who I don't see or talk with on a regular basis I figured I would give a baby update.
We are currently 37.5 weeks along. At my 36 week ultrasound we found out the baby was probably already about 6 lbs 6 oz. OMG! I was dead set on not getting induced and having this baby whenever it decided to come until I heard that. Now I am pretty sure that I'll take an induction during week 39. I would rather be induced then attempt (afraid it would end up in a C-Section) a 10 lb baby.
At my 37 week appointment really no change, but I am dilated to 2 cm... which really means nothing. Since I know several people have been 3 or 4 cm for weeks! :-)
I am still hoping that I will go into labor sometime between now and week 39 but I'm not going to keep my hopes up.
Keep checking in with us to see what happens next and in the mean time have a great week!